Each installation method is started a bit differently because some require more information to find the installation files. For example, in the CD installation method, all the files are on the CDs, with the first one already mounted and accessible by the installation program. However, for a network installation, the network protocol to use and the location of the installation files on the network server must be provided. To start a CD installation, insert the first installation CD, make sure the BIOS is configured to boot off the CD-ROM device, and start the computer. Before the welcome screen appears, you are prompted to run the mediacheck program to verify each installation CD. Even if you verified the checksums of each ISO before creating CDs from the ISOs, it is highly recommended that the mediacheck be performed to make sure an error did not occur while you were creating the CDs from the ISO images. After the language selection, select the keyboard layout as shown in Figure 1.2 to use for installation. As with language selection, this preference is also used as the default value for the installed system. If Hard drive is selected, the partition containing the installation ISOs must be selected from the list, and the directory containing the ISOs must be provided. If NFS image, FTP, or HTTP is selected, the server name and shared directory containing the ISO images or the installation source must be given. If FTP is selected, it is assumed that the server accepts anonymous connections for the share. If a username/password combination is necessary, select the Use non-anonymous FTP option. After selecting the installation method and providing the necessary information, the welcome screen is shown. To finish the installation, follow the instructions in the “Performing the Installation” section. After additional software is selected, the installation program checks for software dependencies. A software dependency is an RPM package that must be installed for the RPM package you selected to work properly. As the software is installed, the progress is shown as a time estimate and a progress bar (see Figure 1.9). If you are performing a CD installation, a popup window is displayed when the next CD is needed. When all the necessary files are installed and all post-installation actions such as writing the bootloader are complete, Figure 1.10 is displayed. After the system is rebooted, the Setup Agent is automatically started. Refer to Chapter 2, “Post-Installation Configuration,” for details on the Setup Agent.